Everything you need to know about online banking from your computer, smart phone or tablet – from making payments to setting up standing orders. What you’ll need: a Sparkasse account, internet access and, optionally, the Sparkassen-App for your smartphone. You can authorise your transactions easily and securely with pushTAN or chipTAN.
This page explains how to set up and use these apps. We also have many other guides for everything to do with online banking.
Setting up apps, getting your login details
Setting up your Sparkassen-App with pushTAN · Instructions
The Sparkassen-App allows you to keep an eye on all of your accounts. This guide explains how to set up the Sparkasse and the S-pushTAN app.
Setting up the S-pushTAN-App · Instructions
The S-pushTAN-App allows you to easily and securely authorise online banking transactions. This guide explains how to set it up and what you’ll need to do so.
New smartphone? Setting up the Sparkasse apps on a new device · Instructions
Got a new iPhone/iPad or Android device and would like to continue using our apps? This guide explains how to set up the S-pushTAN-App and Sparkassen-App on a new phone/tablet and what you’ll need to do so.
What to do if you have forgotten your password or login details (username/login ID or PIN)
Sparkassen-App: Forgotten password · Instructions
What to do if you have forgotten your Sparkassen-App password – easy step-by-step instructions.
Forgotten online banking PIN (password) or username · Instructions
These instructions explain what to do if you have forgotten your online banking login details (username or online banking PIN).
S-pushTAN-App: Forgotten password · Instructions
These instructions explain what to do if you have forgotten your S-pushTAN-App password (Android and iPhone). Follow our easy step-by-step instructions.
Help with verification procedures like pushTAN and chipTAN
Switching from chipTAN to pushTAN · Instructions
Switching to another TAN procedure is really easy. Ready to switch to pushTAN, our latest verification procedure? If so, simply follow these easy step-by-step instructions.
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